my journal

September 2nd 2022

i'm so beyond tired of seeing people use worthless fandom shit terms like "pro-shipper" or "anti-shipper" for actual serious topics. just name what it is you're talking about directly and stop watering down or distracting from the actual topic with this fandom-first trash. especially since these words seem to have many, many meanings depending on who's saying them, and people seem to frequently get into arguments where they're assuming the other person is using the same definition of these words as they are instead of wildly different ones.
did i mention i loathe fandom being put in the forefront? i cannot take you seriously if you're handwringing about "pro-shippers", whatever the fuck that actually means... if you're talking about drawn pedophilic art, why not just say that? why distract from the gravity of such a horrible, serious topic with a fucking fandom term? it's right there in the name, these words come straight from "shipping" or pairing up fictional characters. this is what you're prioritizing and focusing on with these words.

and what the actual meaning is people are invoking when they use these words varies so much! what is a "pro-shipper"? someone who likes and supports child sexual assault in fiction? someone who likes a pairing of two fictional adults with a slight age gap that someone else hates for petty reasons? someone who hates seeing horrible shit in fiction but at the same time points to many past instances of censorship of "obscene material" being used to remove and destroy queer media? it's any of these things, or one of many more not even named, depending on who you're talking to!
what is an "anti-shipper"? someone who objects to fictional pedophilia in art? someone who wants to use "protect the children" handwringing and purging of "obscene" fiction to extend to a purge of queer media? someone who thinks a pairing of two fictional adults in a consentual relationship they happen to not like is actual real pedophilia and should be purged? (yes, really!) someone who thinks all writing and character pairings should be on a Purity Scale of their own invention so they can personally decree the removal of things they think are Distasteful because they are better and more Pure than the rest of us? i've seen all of these and more!

it's utterly asinine. i am livid i continue to see grown-ass adults on the internet, people my age, continue to humor these garbage words when trying to talk about serious topics. say what you fucking mean. i will not believe you actually give a shit about victims of CSA or censorship and purging of queer media until you start using real words to talk about it. i do not fucking care about someone being a """""pro-shipper""""" or """""anti-shipper""""", i want to know what definition of those words you're using and why you're using vague fucking fandom words specifically instead of just saying the definitions themselves.