my journal

August 18th 2022

(source: mademoiselleseraph @

Some douche replied to a youtube comment i left about how transphobes don't even consider cis women who aren't feminine enough to be "real women" and what a woman is supposed to be varies from culture to culture and even within the same culture. They said that they identified as a cat and there was no way to say they were wrong without "debunking this gender nonsense" and I guess it was supposed to make me mad but it honestly just cracked me up like

Okay, if you would like to live as a cat that's literally none of my business. If you want to crawl around someone else's house, naked except for a collar with a bell on it and a tag saying you belong to them, while they decide when you eat and give you a box to shit in and discipline you for breaking the rules, you wouldn't be the only person. There's an entire community you can talk to about that, and a few people would be happy to help you live like that if you genuinely wanted.

And if it's just that you feel a really strong connection with cats and find them to be a better representation of all that you are than your physical human body, there are also people like that.

And i'm just imagining this cis dude at a computer like okay, well what if i was a bdsm kitten and/or otherkin?!?!?! What then liberal? Honey, i've met weirder and they're both better company and contributing more to their social circles than you