World's Heart / Heart of the World Clan Members





Heart of the World clan does not distinguish between "kits" and "apprentices"; all non-warrior young cats are given age-appropriate training. (this doesn't necessarily look like training compared to the books; a very young warrior-to-be's "training" may consist of chasing leaves or simply monitored playtime. (kits' future full names as warriors are under the spoiler tags! mouse over them or just highlight the text to view them.)
names are also not appended with anything until the kits become warriors, a kit is born with just a single word as its name. the name can also be added to on either end. (for example, a kit named Wind could be Windstep or Swiftwind when fully grown.) the name being appended to the end is more common.

honorary members

these cats are considered clan members, but frequently wander from clan territory and have lives outside the clan as well, or simply don't live on clan territory at all and are honored as friends of the clan.