my music

"After what feels like... months...? years..? or was it only a few hours? of wandering through the otherworldly forest, you turn a corner and are suddenly faced directly in the path before you by ...what appears to be an old combination casette tape player and radio lying in the gently swaying grass. Or is it truly that old? Though the very presence of such a device in this place feels strange and offputting in a way that prickles the back of your neck, you can't help but give the curved black case at least a cursory visual inspection, and what you see compels you almost against your will to lift the device to your eyes for a closer look.
Indeed, for being a casette player the odd device also seems to have a slot for CDs and a USB port. Perplexing. You find yourself idly hitting the play button not expecting anything to happen, and drop the tape player directly on the ground in shock as the console immediately glows and music pours from the speakers..."

a bunch of music i like! naturally, there's a good amount of song overlap with the playlists for my characters 😹 but there's also some things on here that i like but also aren't a song i associate with any of my characters particularly. my music taste is somewhat all over the place, so some stuff on here may be vastly different than other things. new things aren't necessarily things i have newly discovered (though some of them are), just things i got around to adding to the list. original artists listed as "???" are unknown.

all youtube links are embedded through the "youtube-nocookie" domain to protect your privacy, at least as much as a shitty giant tech company like Google allows. all but two of these play through large media sites in general, though, so be aware playing anything will come with the usual spying and theft of your personal information all large media sites engage in.
some youtube links also seem to hate being embedded, despite literally saying embedding the video is allowed! technology sure is great. i suspect this is some large company music copyright bullshit as only very well-known or popular songs seem to be affected, but regardless of the why those songs will unfortunately just have to be opened and watched on youtube itself through the direct link youtube gives you on affected videos. (a lot of the affected videos seem to play on mobile in iframes just fine for some reason, so you could also try opening this page on your phone instead if you wanted)

some of these songs aren't appropriate for children. swears aren't censored, and some songs have an adult theme. if you're under 17 this website isn't for you in the first place, but still, listen with discretion! i take no responsibility for anyone hearing something they didn't like or that wasn't appropriate for them.

visualizers down arrow
  • (none added yet)

playlist: a - m

playlist: n - z

if there's any wrong or misplaced information on here, feel free to leave me a message on one of my social media accounts listed on my art page!
why don't you link to spotify at all? because it requires a login to listen to anything, and frankly not everyone has a spotify account! i don't! because i hate spotify and all other DRM-locked music "services"! the only music i embed on my music players absolutely must be free to listen to without logging into anything. which does necessitate the evils of things like youtube and don't get me wrong i fucking hate youtube as well, but at least youtube doesn't force logins for most things...
why the hell is there shitty meme music in here? because i'm an insufferable meme-loving fuck 😸 and frankly this shit slaps. if you don't like my meme songs, well, don't blame me for your inferior taste. 😽💜

The weight of the casette player feels heavier under your arm than it did an hour ago, if it has truly only been an hour now, but you find yourself glad to have something with you of even the most vague familiarity in this alien world, containing songs both familiar and new despite containing no casettes, C.D's, or seemingly connected to any radio station. Only time will tell if this decision was folly, but for now you are content to leave the regrets of tomorrow for the coming days.