contact me

if you need to reach me about this site, please send a message to either of these accounts:

you will need an account at dreamwidth, or at any kind of mastodon or other ActivityPub protocol website, to be able to message me. please give me up to a week to respond, as my life sometimes gets busy and i may not always check my social media! i do also have other social media accounts as listed on my art page, but don't check them often enough to reply to any messages they get in a (somewhat) timely manner, or have set them up to not receive random messages.
i don't use contact forms or e-mail anymore for contact about my website, so please don't ask about them!

if you're messaging me about website issues or glitches: please be sure to include at least your browser's name and version number in the message, and if you can also what device the browser is running on. some fixes are very browser-dependent, and i need to know if this is could be the case when i look up fixes for whatever the issue is.
please note: i do not provide support for Apple devices whatsoever. if my site breaks in them, you're outta luck.