2023 changelog

- forgot to record when i finished changing my headers back to the traditional "only one h1 per page" style... it was earlier this week. whatever. today the site background was successfully converted to respect prefers-reduced-motion settings, with the default being to use static images and only to use animated ones if no animation preference is selected (i implemented the conditionals this way because a "no preference" setting when used like this will only evaluate to true if the browser supports animation preference detection and also does not detect a preference. if the browser is too old to detect animation preference or a preference is selected to prefer reduced motion, static images will be served. this way even people on older browsers will be served a version of the site without stuff that moves.) going to work on getting the header backgrounds and footer images static now, then move on to individual pages like finishing the music player's reduced motion version...
- finally this shit is officially finished. reuploading everything to both neocities and dreamhost, though without sandboxing on the iframes since i guess neocities has more permissive default settings than dreamhost for iframes... it barely matters i guess, it's a static site again and the security headers should do the same job anyway.
- because i am fucking neurotic and never feel stable which leads me to need to have a site that's supported even on free webhosts... i have begun re-converting my site to plain html with iframes for includes. (barf.) however i have also spent the last week redoing the layout entirely from scratch and like it so much better than my current/old layout... i am choosing to think of it as my site's 5 year anniversary facelift.
- added new image borders to some profile pages.
- keep forgetting to add my updates to this page... added more header art. also added more song pages on my OC silver's playlist a few days ago.
- switched the link filter from javascript to css, but now it doesn't work and i can't figure out why. successfully split up the header into more parts so i can add css files meant for individual pages more easily.
- elaborated on the template for music playlist files. added some pages with lyrics and character relevant info to go with the songs to begin the transition of the song playlist to its full purpose.
- test journal conversion completed and new journal post template and styles working. will convert older pages later...
- mostly finished converting all the main pages to php. non-blank index file added to the main site. we're officially online again!
- found a way to fix the old cursor effect i like better than the one i was using, so i added that one now. converted more of my site files to php.
- begun the transition of all pages to php and getting them uploaded to the new host. god i missed server-side includes... look at all that beautiful lack of disgusting frames and javascript loading my layout.